Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 0:51:00 GMT -5
I back down.
"Ganondorf...maybe you should handle it..."I said
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 1:03:35 GMT -5
The robot is confused and suddenly is punched the face by a dark fist.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 1:05:39 GMT -5
Chaos Devil's wounds didn't heal properly.
"G2, I need your help as well."I said
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 1:16:35 GMT -5
"Why should I help him?" I asked.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 1:19:13 GMT -5
"Look, as far as I am concerened, we promised him to live if he helped, and so far he has been keeping his end, so we need to keep ours!"I said, a little aggitated that G2 questioned me on it
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 1:31:49 GMT -5
"I still don't trust him, but OK," I said and tries to heal Chaos Devil.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 9:53:47 GMT -5
He heals completely, and we watch Ganondorf
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 12:25:09 GMT -5
The robot runs off.
Phazon starts to appear on the back of Ganondorf's neck.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 12:27:27 GMT -5
"You alright Ganondorf?"I asked
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 12:48:46 GMT -5
"I'm fine," he said.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 12:49:39 GMT -5
Devil woke up, and was confused.
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 13:02:42 GMT -5
[glow=yellow,2,300]"How are feeling?" Yggdrasil asked.[/glow]
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 13:08:58 GMT -5
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"I feel as though I got my a** handed to me....what happened?"[/glow]asked Chaos Devil
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 13:23:26 GMT -5
"You got taken down by a robot," Kratos said.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 13:26:59 GMT -5
"And G2 healed you."I said
He turned to G2 and looked at ehr for a long time.
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"................Thank you."[/glow]he said, seeming to force the words out of his mouth
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 13:36:20 GMT -5
I nod then smiles.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 22:10:33 GMT -5
Chaos Devil got back up.
"Devil.....why do you hate humans so much?"I asked
He gave me a weird look
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 22:20:04 GMT -5
"Yeah, why do you try to kill us everytime?" I also ask.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 22:24:07 GMT -5
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"Because humans make me sick.They always have and they always will.I just don't understand the satisfaction you hairless apes get from some of the stuff you do, like camping, virtual reality, and this weird training procedure called "Golf".All of those things strike me as absurd, and leaves me to believe that you bald monkeys are just begging to be put out of your missery."[/glow]he said
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 22:34:10 GMT -5
"I wonder if he's ever heard of 'Ultimate Fighter' too?" Robotnick asked me.
"This is not the time," I said.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 22:38:42 GMT -5
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"That's what I'm getting at!!Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Streets of Rage, all of these are ficticious, one deminsional, and bland!The blood isn't even real!!Where I come from the fighting is real, not poorly viewed and fake!!And we practically drink the blood of our fallen oponents for victory!And here you are, telling me that virtual is the way to go?!You humans thrive on ficticious fantasy bullsh*t so much that you are weak!!!"[/glow]he said
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 22:49:00 GMT -5
"That's not what he ment," I said, "Ultimate fighter is much different. It's all set in a fighting ring and most of the rules are thrown out the window. Many of us humans, mostly men, end up losing teeth or worse."
"It's all close combat, but no weapons," Ganondorf said, "The main rule is to stay stanging."
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 22:51:38 GMT -5
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"USELESS!!!!You make them spill blood but you don't execute them!!Weaklings!!!Useless, good for nothing, impudent cowards is what you humans are!!"[/glow]he shouted, and stormed off
"Ganondorf...out of all the people I have seen you change from bad to good, I highly doubt you could make a dent in that one..."I said quietly
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 23:03:52 GMT -5
"What would you do if there is nothing left to kill?" Ganondorf asked Chaos-Devil which hit home right away.
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 23:08:31 GMT -5
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"Then I will simply destroy the planets, and then the entire universe.....realiuty would collapse, thus ending everything...."[/glow]he said, seeming to enjoy the idea
He grinned and began to laugh.
"Then you'll be all alone."I said
He whipped around and said,[glow=scarlet,2,300]"GOOD!!Thats all I want!!!I don't need friends or enemies!!I want to end everything around me so I can forever be alone!!I want to be able to literally smell death around me....I want to sleep upon the rotting corpses of thos that I have slaughtered...and above all else...be able to say that I am the strongest in all of the worlds....both in Devil world and Earth World."[/glow]he said, now sounding insane
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 23:22:27 GMT -5
"Uh huh?" Ganondorf said, "That also means you'll be bored to death, the smell of death will leave you, the corpses will disappear into nothing, and the only one that can hear you say that you are the strongest...is you alone...which proves nothing."
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 23:26:07 GMT -5
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"Do you think I care human?I am a new breed of loner.I don't mind using others to do my bidding, btu all I ever want is to be alone...hearing myself say that I am the greatest will be the greatest joy cooming for me...that is why I want to kill you bastards first....because no matter what, I am bonded to Chaostro, who is bonded to you."[/glow]he said
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 23:39:30 GMT -5
"Oh you will care, just not yet," Ganondorf said, "You maybe denying it now, but later you will feel a different side of you. You maybe a devil, but even you have feels like you never did before, now that's reality!"
[glow=maroon,2,300]Gan-Devil was hit hard from hearing this and soon understood that maybe he made bad choices.[/glow]
Post by chaostro101 on Dec 4, 2007 23:41:48 GMT -5
However Chaos Devil became angrier.
[glow=scarlet,2,300]"They should've kept you in the darkness a little longer...do me a favor and lock yourself in a dank dark dungeon for a few years and come talk to me when you aren't acting like a foolish brat."[/glow]he said coldly
Post by ganondorf2 on Dec 4, 2007 23:56:20 GMT -5
"Like that's going to change me! Human's saved my life!" he said, "Yes, I understand that some need to be punished, but many others care for each other. Like, for a major example, Chaostro and G2 putting you back to normal health when they knew darn well you were against us the whole freaking time!"
"Geeze Ganon, you're going to burst something from all that shouting," I said, "But he's right."